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EPOS: Everything you need to know

Last updated on July 18, 2024

An Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS) system consists of a central terminal or point of sale (POS) terminal. This terminal often includes a touchscreen display, a cash register, and peripherals such as barcode scanners, receipt printers, and card readers. The hardware components of an EPOS system are responsible for facilitating the physical aspects of the transaction, such as scanning products, accepting payment methods, and issuing receipts.

However, the software component of an EPOS system is what truly sets it apart. EPOS software is a comprehensive platform that integrates with the hardware to provide advanced features and functionalities. It enables businesses to manage inventory, process transactions, generate sales reports, and automate various sales and operations management tasks. Business owners and managers can customise the software to meet their specific needs.

Benefits of EPOS software
EPOS systems offer several benefits that can take your business to the next level. Below are just a few of them.

1. Simplified order management
With a hospitality EPOS system, order management becomes seamless and efficient. Staff members can quickly take and customise orders to fit guest preferences. This feature eliminates human errors, enhances communication, and delivers prompt service.

2. Optimised inventory and stock management
Maintaining optimal inventory levels is crucial for cost control and guest satisfaction. EPOS systems enable businesses to track inventory in real-time, automatically update stock levels, and generate alerts for low-stock items. This ensures efficient stock management, minimises wastage, and enables businesses to meet guest demands consistently.

3. Efficient table management
Business owners in the hospitality industry need efficient table management to provide a delightful dining experience. Electronic point-of-sale systems offer visual floor plans and table management tools that help staff assign tables, track table status, and manage reservations. This optimises table turnover, reduces wait times, and improves overall operational efficiency.

4. Improved guest loyalty programs
Building guest loyalty is essential for sustained success in the hospitality industry. Electronic point-of-sale systems can integrate loyalty programs directly into the system. This feature translates to easier tracking and rewarding of guest loyalty.

Businesses can offer personalised discounts, rewards, and incentives based on guest preferences and purchase history. This approach encourages repeat visits and allows businesses to gather valuable guest data for targeted ad campaigns.

5. Streamlined payment processing
EPOS systems streamline payment processing by integrating various payment methods. These methods include cash, credit cards, and mobile wallets. This feature ensures faster and more secure transactions, minimises queues at the checkout, and enhances the overall guest experience.

6. Real-time data and analytics for informed decision-making
EPOS software provides valuable insights into sales data, guest behaviour, and inventory management. With real-time data and analytics access, business owners can make informed decisions to optimise their operations. They can identify popular menu items, track sales trends, and adjust pricing strategies accordingly. This data-driven approach empowers business owners to stay ahead of the competition and drive profitability.

7. Enhanced security and compliance
Security is critical for businesses in the hospitality industry. It becomes even more crucial when processing card payments. EPOS systems provide secure payment processing, encrypting guest data and protecting it from potential breaches. They also help businesses comply with industry requirements like the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).

EPOS systems features
In addition to operational benefits, EPOS systems in the hospitality industry enhance guest satisfaction and engagement. These systems allow businesses to create memorable experiences for their patrons with the following features:

1. Loyalty programs
EPOS systems offer integrated loyalty program features that allow businesses to reward and retain loyal guests. By implementing these programs, companies can track guest purchases, offer personalised discounts, and provide incentives for repeat visits. This approach fosters guest loyalty and helps businesses gather valuable data for targeted marketing campaigns.

2. Seamless online ordering
As online ordering continues growing, restaurant POS systems can integrate with online platforms and facilitate convenient order placement. This integration ensures accurate order processing, real-time menu updates, and coordination between on-site operations and online orders. Online ordering will allow businesses to expand their reach and cater to changing guest preferences.

3. Contactless payment options
Contactless payment options have become increasingly important in today’s digital age. EPOS systems enable businesses to accept contactless payments, such as mobile wallets and NFC-enabled credit cards. This feature enhances the speed and convenience of transactions and meets the growing demand for contactless interactions. Hospitality professionals can provide a modern and guest-centric approach by offering a frictionless payment experience.

4. Personalised experiences
EPOS systems enable businesses to safely and securely collect and analyse guest data to provide personalised experiences. Businesses can tailor their services and offerings to individual needs by understanding guest preferences and past interactions. Whether customising orders, suggesting relevant menu items, or providing personalised recommendations, EPOS systems empower businesses to create unique experiences that resonate with their guests.

5. Feedback and reviews
EPOS systems can facilitate the collection of guest feedback and reviews, helping businesses gather valuable insights and improve their operations. By integrating feedback features into the EPOS system, businesses can encourage guests to provide feedback, rate their experience, and leave reviews. This information allows management to address concerns, make necessary improvements, and improve guest satisfaction.

6. Customer relationship management
EPOS systems can serve as a centralised hub for customer (guest) relationship management (CRM) activities. By integrating CRM functionalities into the EPOS system, businesses can manage guest profiles, track interactions, and maintain detailed guest records. This enables staff members to provide personalised service, anticipate guest needs, and build long-lasting relationships.

What do you need to set up your EPOS terminal?
You'll need several key components to set up an EPOS system for your hospitality business. Here's a list of the essential elements required:


  • Touchscreen terminal: This is the primary interface for inputting orders, processing transactions, and accessing system features.
  • Receipt printer: A reliable printer for generating guest receipts and order tickets for the kitchen or bar.
  • Cash drawer: To securely store cash received from transactions.
  • Barcode scanner: Optional but helpful for quick barcode scanning on items.


  • EPOS software: Choose a reputable EPOS software provider that offers features tailored to the hospitality industry.
  • User rights: Depending on the size of your staff, you may need to add multiple users to ensure that each employee can access the EPOS system with their unique login credentials.

Payment processing

  • Merchant account: Establish a merchant account with a payment processor to accept credit/debit card payments. Choose a reliable provider with competitive rates and a secure payment gateway.
  • Card reader: Select a compatible card reader that integrates with your EPOS system for seamless card transactions.

EPOS implementation process
Implementing an EPOS system requires meticulous planning and execution. Here’s how you can achieve that:

1. Begin with staff training
Introducing a new system always involves staff training. This is why you need an EPOS provider that offers training programs and ongoing support to address concerns during implementation. Proper training will maximise the system’s potential and reduce disruptions.

2. Use data migration services
As you transition from an existing system, ensure the EPOS provider offers data migration services. This will ensure smooth information (menu items, guest profiles, and sales history) transfer to the new system. Data integrity is essential to maintain continuity in your operations and provide uninterrupted service to your guests.

3. Technical support and maintenance
Choose an EPOS provider that offers reliable technical support and maintenance services. This ensures prompt assistance in case of any system issues or downtime. Regular updates keep your EPOS system functioning optimally and secure against potential vulnerabilities.

How to choose the right EPOS system?
Zeroing in on the perfect EPOS system for your hospitality business may be a tough decision. Thankfully there are boxes you can check to lead you to the right match.

Ask the following questions as you make your choice:

How scalable is the system?
As your business grows, so will your operational requirements. Choosing an EPOS system that is scalable and can adapt to your evolving needs is essential. This ensures a long-term investment supporting your business’s expansion without requiring frequent system upgrades.

What are its integration capabilities?
A seamless flow of information between different systems is necessary for efficient operations. Look for an EPOS system that can integrate with other essential tools such as reservation systems, loyalty programs, and accounting software. This integration decreases manual data entry, reduces errors, and boosts productivity.

Does it offer a user-friendly interface?
A user-friendly interface will help your staff understand the EPOS system quickly. A system requiring minimal training and a visually appealing interface can significantly enhance efficiency and reduce errors.

Do you get enough customisation options?
Every hospitality business has unique requirements. This means that your EPOS system should offer customisation options that tailor it to your needs. It can do this by configuring menu layouts, adding custom modifiers, and setting up individual user permissions.

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