This document contains confidential, trade secret information, which is proprietary to Planet Payment,
Inc., and its affiliates (collectively “Planet”) and is provided solely for the recipient’s use in connection with
the recipient’s use of Planet’s services. Planet reserves the right to make changes to specifications at any
time and without notice. The information furnished by Planet in this publication is believed to be accurate
and reliable as of the date of its release; however, no responsibility is assumed by Planet for its use, nor
for infringements of patents or other rights of third parties resulting from its use, nor for the violation,
misinterpretation, or misapplication of any laws, or any regulation of any card association including Visa
or Mastercard. No general license is granted under any patents, copyrights or other intellectual property
rights owned by Planet and the recipient is only granted an end user license to use this information for
the purposes of receiving services from Planet, pursuant to an agreement with Planet or one of its
authorized partners. All modifications or improvements to any of the information and specifications in this
document shall belong exclusively to Planet. No unauthorized copying, disclosure or use of this document
is permitted without the express written consent of Planet Payment, Inc. or its affiliate(s). Planet®,
and Planet Payment®, are registered trademarks of Planet. ©2023 Planet Payment, Inc. All
Rights Reserved.