Payments Portal
User Guide
Version 1.0 – 01 March 2023
This document contains confidential, trade secret information, which is proprietary to Planet Payment,
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Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
Version history
Version Date Modification(s)
1.0 March 01, 2023 Analysis and content merging of deprecated Payments Portal documents
Content conversion to the Planet template
Minor content enhancement
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
Table of contents
Version history 3
Table of contents 4
1. Overview 6
1.1 Login 6
1.2 Home Page 8
1.3 Top Menu 10
2. Payment Gateway 11
2.1 Overview 11
2.2 Authorizations 11
2.1 Transactions 12
2.2 Completions 14
2.3 Floor Limit 14
2.4 Create a New Refund or Payment 15
3. Online Payments 17
3.1 Overview 17
3.2 Transactions 17
3.3 Refunds 18
3.4 Pay By Link 18
3.4.1 Add Pay By Link 19
3.4.2 Pay By Link detail fields 20
3.4.3 Pay By Link optional detail fields 21
4. Virtual Terminal 22
4.1 Overview 22
4.2 Transactions 22
4.1 Authorize 23
4.2 Pay 23
4.3 Settle 24
5. Token 25
6. My Services 26
6.1 My Reports 26
6.1.1 Report types 26
6.2 My Invoices 29
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
6.2.1 My Invoices highlights 30
6.3 Master Account 31
6.3.1 Overview 31
6.3.2 Create Basic User “View Only” access 32
6.3.3 Create Advanced User “Read and Write” access 33
6.3.4 Online Payments (website reservations) 34
6.3.5 Edit user account settings 35
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
1. Overview
The payments portal provides a comprehensive view of all payment data processed through Planet
gateway services.
We provide all merchants with a user-friendly web portal to manage transactions and reconcile data
with reporting tools.
The portal is accessible via any online device and offers instant access to real-time transaction data.
With up to 3 years of history, the portal supports faster and more accurate reconciliation to support
business management.
The portal is supported by the following minimum browser requirements:
Google Chrome
1.1 Login
1) Access the portal via the internet using the URL:
2) Click on Please log in to begin or Login using SSO depending on your company setup SSO (Single Sign
On) is only available for specific merchants and would need to be configured by Planet Customer Support
team. Most general users should ignore SSO and click Please log in to begin.
3) Enter the Username and Password provided by Planet Customer Support team.
Passwords require a minimum of ten (10) characters with at least one numeric, one alpha Character, and
one special character (~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|\( ) { }[]:; " '<>,.?/.).
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
Passwords will expire after 90 days. The user will be forced to change the password upon expiration and log
in with the new password. New passwords must be different from the previous twenty-four (24).
Passwords cannot be changed more than once per day.
If a user has an active account but has forgotten their password, it can be reset by clicking Reset
password. If a user has forgotten their username, they should contact Planet support. The following error
message will pop up.
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
Customer ID info must be entered on this login screen. This information will be sent by the master user
at the merchant location for the first login with credentials. If incorrect, the user will be prompted to retry
or contact Planet support. Users are locked out of the portal after three failed sign-in attempts and must
reset their password. Contact for assistance.
1.2 Home Page
The Home Page displays menu options to access information about Payment Gateway, Online
Payments, Virtual Terminal, Tokens, and My Services. Each category has menu options specific to that
category. These are described in detail throughout the guide.
On the Home Page, the user and merchant’s name will appear in the banner at the top right of the
screen. Select “Contact” at the top right corner to locate customer support information by country.
Additional User guides can be found on the top of the right side of the page.
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
The following screen displays the latest release information, including version and release notes.
Payments Portal User Guide
Version 1.0 | 01-MAR-2023
1.3 Top Menu
The tabs at the top of the Home Page represent different functionalities in the portal. Some data may
not be available to all users. The tabs displayed are based on user permissions for each merchant.
On the Home Page, the merchant’s name will appear in the banner at the top right of the screen in
addition to the center.
Release highlights can be found in the center of the screen.